Previous and Current Collaborators and Partners

Urban Light Thailand

Committed to to empower at risk young males in Thailand to live a life outside the grasp of exploitation and trafficking.

Organizational Partners

RestoreCorps Tennessee

“We exist to eradicate human trafficking by empowering survivors, equipping communities, and seeking justice through systemic change.”

The up! Collective, under the auspices of up! International, is an independent non-profit organization (currently under development) that is dedicated to improving the lives of vulnerable populations, particularly those who are directly impacted by violence and exploitation. The organization's focus is on conducting research in these areas and working with its global grassroots networks to develop local research projects that are led by and focused on the experiences and perspectives of those who are directly impacted. The up! Collective also supports its partners in disseminating their research findings to a wider audience, including academic researchers, international NGOs, UN Agencies, and national governments. Through its focus on grassroots research and collaboration with its partners, the up! Collective aims to create targeted and effective interventions that are rooted in local perspectives and experiences, and contribute to the growth of a more effective and coordinated global response to the issues of violence and exploitation.

up! International

“up! is an NGO focused on exposing and eliminating all forms of violence. We aim to empower individuals and groups who are victims of violence, whilst tackling the many injustices associated with violence. We care, we speak out and we take action.”

Sex Workers Outreach Project

“Sex Workers Outreach Project-USA is a national social justice network dedicated to the fundamental human rights of people involved in the sex trade and their communities, focusing on ending violence and stigma through education and advocacy.”

Partners In Prevention Missouri

“Partners in Prevention is Missouri's higher education substance misuse consortium dedicated to creating healthy and safe college campuses.”

“No action without research; no research without action” ~Kurt Lewin